The purpose of this blog is to document my learning in my economics class of the issue of sustainability and economic justice.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Obama Care
Obama Care is a topic about health care which will never be
fully decided. People feel like it will make our city become bankrupt and will
increase taxes and others feel like that it might be the best thing that has
been invented. A hot topic in the U.S. and the world at large right now is fighting the high cost
of healthcare. In
the United States, a polarizing issue is the Affordable Care Act, better known
as "Obama care." There are many people up in arms about the future of
healthcare in America. There are many components of the Affordable Care Act
that are widely misunderstood by many citizens. Here's a look at things
you need to know about Obama care, and why it's not as scary.Obama Care’s goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US
citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending.(Luke Sharret,The New York times)
Obama Care does not
replace private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. The Fact is Obama Care gives
47 million women access to preventative health services and makes it illegal to
charge women different rates than men. Get More Obama Care Women's Health Services
Facts. Obama Care gives seniors access to
cheaper drugs, free preventive care, Reforms Medicare Advantage, and closes the
Medicare Part D 'donut hole. The AARP agrees, costs won't rise because of Obama
Care, if anything the improvements to the system will make seniors health care
costs go down. Obama care is not replacing
private health insurance, Medicaid or Medicare. The
Affordable Care Act works hand in hand with private insurance by regulating
insurance practices and giving citizens affordable options and making sure that
every American citizen has access to affordable healthcare. Without private
insurance, the Affordable Care Act would not work. There is no specific "government"
plan; you are free to select whichever plan
you desire.Some aspects of Obama care health care reform are
already enacted.(Health Care Org) The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act were signed in
2010, we bet you didn't even notice unless you needed coverage and didn't have
it. The Affordable Care Act requires that insurance plans cover preventative
services and stops insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick, as
well as offering a number of other reforms and protections. There are many
people who would like to see Obama Care repealed. If Obama care is repealed millions of Americans will be without proper health coverage and insurance companies will continue to be able to deny healthcare for preexisting conditions. Without healthcare reform America will continue suffer the consequences of a health care system controlled by private companies, whose bottom line is money and not health. Help Obama Care Facts to spread the truth about President Obama's health care reform.(Amanda C.Haury)

Some people definitely feel different. They might feel that Obama Care is not
beneficial to us in the city. Let me offer a
radical counter-theory on why Obama Care’s popularity never took off: As much
as people dislike some aspects of their health care, they get panicky at the
prospect of a major overhaul. Too much can go wrong if things don’t work out —
longer waits, fewer doctors, more expensive care. Toss in a strange new power
grab in the form of the mandate, exotic procedures being used in Congress to
pass the thing, the prospect of Medicare being raided to pay for the reform,
and the unpalatable reality of big government rolling out the ultimate big
government program and you've got a mighty heavy lift turning this into a
political winner.I don't agree with this because this will be beneficial for people who is in need and it will help people who need help. Everyone who is against this have it good and they are only thinking about themselves which is not fair. They need to be open minded and think about what others need and how it can help make communities better.(AllahPundit)
In conclusion I am a pro con for Obama care. I feel like it will help and make a difference in the future for everybody. Obama Care reforms everything from practices of insurance companies to ensuring better quality health care for all Americans. A summary of all the reforms within Obama Care is a available here at our Health Care Reform Timeline. We have only touched upon some of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act in this Obama care summary. The Bill itself is a accumulation of many different reforms that improve our healthcare system and provide affordable health insurance to all Americans. Read more about the specifics of Obama care or read a more detailed overview of what the Obama Care has to offer in our Affordable Care Act Summary. (Affordable Health Care Org)
In conclusion I am a pro con for Obama care. I feel like it will help and make a difference in the future for everybody. Obama Care reforms everything from practices of insurance companies to ensuring better quality health care for all Americans. A summary of all the reforms within Obama Care is a available here at our Health Care Reform Timeline. We have only touched upon some of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act in this Obama care summary. The Bill itself is a accumulation of many different reforms that improve our healthcare system and provide affordable health insurance to all Americans. Read more about the specifics of Obama care or read a more detailed overview of what the Obama Care has to offer in our Affordable Care Act Summary. (Affordable Health Care Org)
If You would like Your own specific information you can use the links below.
- - The reason why people don't agree with Obama Care (AllahPundit)
- -Specific Information About Obama Care and its Insurance Policies (Amanda C.Haury)
- - Obama Care of What it is and what its not (Health Care Org)
- More information about what it is and what its not (Luke Sharret,The New York times)
- conclusion of what Obama Care is (Affordable Health Care Org)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Resources for Abortion Topic
If you would like to receive your own information about abortions use these sources
Reason why people choose Abortion
Reason why people choose Abortion
Consequences of Abortion
Full definiton of Abortion
The other opponent why people feel abortion should be banned
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Is It Right For Abortions ?
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of fetus or embryo prior to viability.
Abortion is used in many different states for different reasons. Abortion, when induced in the developed
world in accordance with local
law, is among the safest
procedures in medicine. Some people may feel
like it should be illegal or it should be banned. People who feel like it should
be legal feel like abortions can help save lives of many people. I am for abortions in the first trimester, when a baby is not fully developed. What if a women is raped? What if a teenager had made a mistake? What if you having a baby can put your life in a big risk? These things make abortions reliable and make it more understandable for other people. People fail to
realize that abortions can be used for a good thing. Some women may not be able
to provide for a baby, they might not be healthy enough to give birth to a baby
and they might not just ready. Women should not be forced to have a baby she can not provide for. In my opinion I don’t believe in murdering a baby that fully developed
but I do believe in trying to make a situation better , women protecting
themselves and trying do make better life choices.
On another note some people feel like abortions should be banned , they feel like it should not be allowed anywhere at ALL. " The reality is that they are a small, growing, real human being. Being inside the womb does not determine their humanity. Who are you to say that one minute it is a fetus and abortion is fine, and the next moment it's born and to kill it would be murder? " - stated in an article. The other opponent feels like once your pregnannt this fetus is a baby , its living , and its true but what happend when the family cant provide for this fetus , this baby. I understand about how they feel about killing a baby but what the other opponent doesnt understand is what if the family can provide for this baby. Do they feel that it is best to have this baby and then later on its abanded or ends up dead in the fututre. What if the mother doesnt care about this child and abuses the baby or if she cant even financially support the baby either. These are some things the other opponent should understand somethings is just needed to happen if it is for he better.
In conclusion, this topic will be ongoing for years. It seems it will never make a mends because it is so much different opinions. I am proud to say I am pro-choice because I have seen from friends experiences and how much better their life has became without having a child. I feel like they should make a few people sit down from different opponents to get to the bottom of it so they can make a final decision. Both opponents need to understand each other so that can make a mends and finally decide what is right. Abortion is not for a bad cause it helps the women do better for themselves. It can save lives and can help prevent a bad future. I don't believe in killing a baby but i do believe in making the right decision and making the best choice.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Florida President election
The scene is Florida,
2000 presidential election and controversy erupts when George Bush is elected
president. When George Bush was elected he was elected based on electoral votes
and not popularity votes. It was ironic how when Bush was running for president
that his cousin was the one in control of the votes in Florida. I believe Bush
won because he made it impossible for the people to vote who would vote against
him. Such as jail prisoners and low class people. Al Gore was to soft he should spoke up for himself when he felt like things was wrong. Now he is
living in regret he should been more cautious because they declined many
votes from Al Gore. George Bush brother he was also the governor while Bush was
in running for becoming president. Al Gore had the most popularity votes
because he was more sincere and didn't only care about the upper class .Al Gore
thought about helping others who needed help. If at the time Florida had the IRV
George Bush wouldn't have been elected. Because he had 47.9% of the votes and
if you put Al Gore Votes and Dane votes together it would've been 50% of the
votes not the most but the majority. They wouldn't have the plurality most of
the votes they would have the majority of the votes. This marked the fourth
election in U.S history in which the eventual winner failed to win plurality of
the popular vote. Later research showed that the request from Al Gore campaign
in their contest brief and set by the Florida Supreme court, Bush would have
most likely won the recount any way. If Al Gore was elected for president I think
that things would be better to this day and the economy wouldn't be so messed
up now. Bush made a mess that still to this day our new president is trying to
Presidential Debates
1. Can you recall why the League of Women Voters Lost control over the Presidential Debates? T he League of Women voters, was a genuine non-partisan entity, our voice, the voice of the American people in the negotiation room, and time and time again, The League had the courage to stand up to the Republican and Democratic campaigns to insist on challenging creative formats, to insist on the inclusion of independent candidates that the vast majority of American people wanted to see, and most importantly, to insist on transparency, so that any attempts by the Republican and Democratic parties to manipulate the presidential debates would result in and of enormous political price.
2. Can you explain how that changed how the debates are organized?
That changed how the debates are organized because it made the league of women voters feel a specific way about certain situations in the government.
3. Can you predict the outcome if third party candidates were allowed into the debate? If not now, what information would you need? What are the Democrats and Republican afraid of? If the third party candidates were allowed in the debate
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Source Evaluation
The author is The Office of website management.
You can contact them by mailing them at their address, call them or question them online
They get their information from U.S department
The authors have a reason to hold a view on my issue because they explain on how each country view free trade diffidently. It briefly explain each country and how much they earn or loose during free trade.They don't have a political bias because they don't state their opinion they explain facts or each country. Political bias would be talking bad about each country and not stating complete facts about them. They show countries from south america and north america and other countries as well.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What are the benefits of free trade agreements ?
The United States has 13 free trade agreements with 19 countries. They have eleven central america countries, and seven north america countries. The united states has a free trade with Australia the United States exported $27.5 billion in goods and imported $10.2 billion in Australia products.One of the central america countries is Dominican Republic and since thee free trade the economy increased by 270 %. The benefits is that your economy is increasing which means you can make the country better and also improve on certain communites. Its also a benefit because some people may rely on this free trade for the life for their home and families so its not only helping the country its helping the people.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
What I know
What I Know
- Certain countries may have things that other countries might need.
- International trade is very improtant in many countries
- Countries usally have a dramtic enomic growth aftre the trade.
- Its beneficial to countries
International Trade Agreements
International Trade Agreements - In 1776, Adam Smith published the Wealth of Nations. Economist accepted that free trade among nations improve economic welfare. International trade allows each country to sell their merchandise cheaply to other countries.Free trade is not a benefit for everyone though. Sometimes it causes people to loose money there buisness may go bankcrupt so then therefore they forbid free trade agreements." Some of the groups that are hurt by foreign competition wield enough political power to obtain protection against imports. Consequently, barriers to trade continue to exist despite their sizable economic costs. "
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