Monday, February 25, 2013

Economy In Crisis


 "46.7 million Americans must now use food stamps in order to get a meal, and many are not old enough to earn money for themselves".According to the Burean of Labor Statistics food prices is suppose to increase by three percent this year. This will only make it harder for females with food stamps to get the right amount of food they need every month. I'm assuming that female would most liking be getting the same amount of money monthly or even less according to how the economy is right now no matter how much the price of food increases.

This is both a economic and a public problem. There are so many people on food stamps and the government spends so much money on it! But then again the SNAP benefit (food stamps) program is good because some family really don't have money.Certain families come from  poor a neighborhood where they cannot provide for their family like they are supposed to.The SNAP benefit helps these families provide for their families , bring food on their house and making sure their children are well fed and healthy. It can be an economic problem because the government spends so much money on the food used for the economy. 


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