Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Resources for Abortion Topic

If you would like to receive your own information about abortions use these sources

     Reason why people choose Abortion
  • http://women.webmd.com/tc/abortion-reasons-women-choose-abortion 
      Consequences of Abortion
  • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111021130951AAaPCl3
      Full definiton of Abortion
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion
      The other opponent why people feel abortion should be banned
  • http://www.forandagainst.com/Abortion_Should_Be_Banned

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Is It Right For Abortions ?

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of fetus or embryo prior to viability. Abortion is used in many different states for different reasons. Abortion, when induced in the developed world in accordance with local law, is among the safest procedures in medicine. Some people may feel like it should be illegal or it should be banned. People who feel like it should be legal feel like abortions can help save lives of many people. I am for abortions in the first trimesterwhen a baby is not fully developed. What if a women is raped? What if a teenager had made a mistake? What if you having a baby can put your life in a big risk? These things make abortions reliable and make it more understandable for other people.  People fail to realize that abortions can be used for a good thing. Some women may not be able to provide for a baby, they might not be healthy enough to give birth to a baby and they might not just ready. Women should not be forced to have a baby she can not provide for. In my opinion I don’t believe in murdering a baby that fully developed but I do believe in trying to make a situation better , women protecting themselves and trying do make better life choices.


On another note some people feel like abortions should be banned , they feel like it should not be allowed anywhere at ALL. "  The reality is that they are a small, growing, real human being. Being inside the womb does not determine their humanity. Who are you to say that one minute it is a fetus and abortion is fine, and the next moment it's born and to kill it would be murder? " - stated in an article. The other opponent feels like once your pregnannt this fetus is a baby , its living , and its true but what happend when the family cant provide for this fetus , this baby. I understand about how they feel about killing a baby but what the other opponent doesnt understand is what if the family can provide for this baby. Do they feel that it is best to have this baby and then later on its abanded or ends up dead in the fututre. What if the mother doesnt care about this child and abuses the baby or if she cant even financially support the baby either. These are some things the other opponent should understand somethings is just needed to happen if it is for he better.


In conclusion, this topic will be ongoing for years. It seems it will never make a mends because it is so much different opinions. I am proud to say I am pro-choice because I have seen from friends experiences and how much better their life has became without having a child. I feel like they should make a few people sit down from different opponents to get to the bottom of it so they can make a final decision. Both opponents need to understand each other so that can make a mends and finally decide what is right. Abortion is not for a bad cause it helps the women do better for themselves. It can save lives and can help prevent a bad future. I don't believe in killing a baby but i do believe in making the right decision and making the best choice.